When the first snowflakes fall, everything becomes blanketed under a snow-white covering. It’s only after time passes and the snow melts when plowed piles start to look grimy and muddy. Your teeth are no different. Over time, wear and tear causes discoloration and a drab smile. My Little Falls dental office is here to give some practical words of advice to keep your smile bright!
Some of our favorite foods and beverages are actually to blame for causing stains. Here’s a short list of food and beverage offenders:
Try using a straw with stain-inducing drinks. Swallow foods quickly, leaving less time to linger, to minimize the stain power.
Always check with your Little Falls dentist before starting any whitening procedures. Making sure you’re brushing with a proper toothpaste is a good way to fight for a bright smile. Check the label for the American Dental Association seal of approval. Porcelain veneers are also another option for a snow-white smile.
Sometimes you may think your dental team sounds like a broken record, but we can’t stress enough how important it is to brush and floss regularly. This holds true for stain fighting too. Twice daily brushing, after you wake up in the morning and before you turn in at night, is key for excellent oral health and deterring stains.
No matter what kind of weather, we’re always ready to see your bright smile in my dental office in Little Falls. Call or stop in to schedule a consultation. Together let’s ensure your smile is snow white in winter and beyond!
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