Fine lines and wrinkles are a fact of life. They usually come first at the brow ridge and around the eyes, and can extend to deep lines around the mouth. We know it’s uncomfortable to look older than you feel, so we offer Botox treatments to help.
Botox minimizes the appearance of brow and forehead wrinkles, as well as those around the eyes. In a matter of a few short days, it restores your youthful, vibrant appearance so you look as young as you feel. It can also be used to help to treat TMD, also referred to as TMJ. Completing specialized training, Dr. Liss is certified to provide Botox treatments and can help you achieve the youthful, natural beauty you desire.
Botox treatments are quick, comfortable and non-surgical. Many of our patients schedule their Botox to correspond with their dental cleanings and have learned that with a regular injection schedule they can prolong the effects for a greater period of time. Call Dr. Liss with questions or to make an appointment for your Botox treatments.